Monday, July 1, 2013


It's been a little over a year. That's totally fine because no one is monitoring my blogging and no one's going to give me crap for not blogging. That's the best part about having a blog that no human being besides myself has ever read.

The information in my profile is still correct minus the fact that I actually overcame my nasal spray addiction and I can now breath normally like the rest of you humans. Oh, and as if the world didn't want me to be happy and healthy after freedom-from-nasal-spray, I ended up developing a dairy allergy (not only lactose intolerance but also hives). It used to annoy me but it doesn't anymore. Life without dairy isn't a big deal. I've developed a love for black coffee.

So, I've been up to a lot over the past year. Started an MA, have been getting straight A's (nerd), working full time, blogging, writing, baking, traveling (London, Glasgow, Leeds, Bern, Lucerne, Zurich, Stockholm, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Bahrain, London again ....). It's been totally awesome, I've made tons of incredible new friends and have learned a lot about myself in the process. The bigger picture becomes clearer and clearer to me everyday.

Oh, and Gwen says hi. We're still buddies who are not buddies. She's in the US right now living the life. I still don't like kids. My life is awesome.

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